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Thinking of getting a new pet?


Getting a pet is a very exciting time, but many people do not realise the time and effort needed to taking care of one.
We can help you choose the right pet for you, whether it may be a dog, cat, reptile fish or small furry, and help you understand the needs of the pet you're thinking about getting.​ Come in and speak to our veterinary team for a better understanding if the pet you have in mind is suitable for your lifestyle.
Adding a new addition to the family?
The arrival of a new baby is a joyous occasion for any family, but it's always important to spare a thought for your fur-babies to ensure they handle the change.
1. Mark off separate sleeping areas for the baby and the dog. Train your dog to sleep in a particular place, whether this be a comfy dog bed, or a mat. Keep the baby’s bedroom and your bedroom off limits so they know the boundaries before the baby arrives.
2. Dogs are affected by the noise of a baby crying and it can make them restless and agitated. Try and play recordings of a baby crying in the house before the baby arrives to allow your pet to become accustomed to the sound.
3. Try and help your dog become used to the baby’s belongings before he or she arrives. Taking an empty pram along on a walk, leaving a few toys in the lounge etc. This will ease your pet into a new routine gently.
4. If your dog is excitable around new people and smells, there are some fantastic training programmes or aids available. Remember to reward good behaviour!
5. Smell is crucial when introducing a new baby so put items such as baby oil or talc on a bare arm on a regular basis so your dog can adjust to the new products around the house.
6. Bring some of the little one’s clothes home, fresh with the smell of your new baby. Leaving items around the house can help your dog adjust to the new scents.
7. Try and keep to a routine. Dogs need to feel wanted and involved, so if they are used to a morning walk, try and stick to that. Don’t let them associate a day or two of neglect with the new baby.
8. If you’re worried about your dog’s initial reaction to the baby, keep him on a lead. Allow them to sniff the baby very gently and become accustomed to the scent, but maintain control.
9. Don’t divide attention between the dog and the baby. Baby’s bedtime shouldn't be time to pay attention to the dog, as otherwise they will feel neglected when the baby is awake. 
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