Cleaning your Pet's Ears
Why is Ear Cleaning Important?
Ear cleaning is a very important part of your dog’s grooming needs. Some dogs need more frequent ear cleaning than others. Dogs who are prone to ear infections often benefit from more frequent ear cleanings.
Healthy ears are self-cleaning. New skin cells are produced deep in the ear canal and grow away from the eardrum, carrying extra wax and debris with them to the outside.
However, the structure of the dog’s ear canal can make it difficult for material trapped deep within the horizontal canal to be expelled without the assistance of cleaning. This material can lead to itchiness and ear infections if not removed.
Step-by-Step Guide for Ear Cleaning
Grasp one ear and hold the ear flap (pinna) up vertically to expose the ear canal and help straighten out the ear canal.
Squeeze some ear cleaning solution into your dog’s ear. Use enough cleaner to completely fill the ear canal. DO NOT put the tip of the bottle into the ear.
Continue to hold the ear flap up vertically with one hand and gently massage the base of the ear for about 10 seconds with the other hand. This allows the cleaning solution to break up the debris that is in the ear canal. You should hear a 'squishing' sound as the cleaning solution moves around in the horizontal part of the ear canal.
While still holding the ear flap up, wipe away debris from the inner part of the ear flap and the outer opening of the ear using cotton wool.
Allow your dog to shake his head. This allows the remaining ear cleaning solution and debris from the ear canal to move out of the canal to the outer opening of the ear.
Once again, hold the ear flap up, and remove the loosened debris and cleaning solution from the outer opening of the ear canal using cotton wool.
NEVER use a cotton-tipped applicator (Q-tip) to remove the solution from the ear canal. Doing so can damage the ear canal and/or eardrum or push debris further into the ear canal.
Repeat the same process with the other ear.
If your dog appears to be in pain during the cleaning process, stop and contact your vet.
Repeat the cleaning procedure as often as is recommended by your vet.